Grade 6 to Grade 10

Nurturing Individual Strengths

We have proudly hosted the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) for nearly 30 years which makes use one of the oldest MYP schools globally.  This experience has allowed us to build a meaningful curriculum that is relevant to all students in our care.

The MYP is in a wonderful position in that it bridges the gap between the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) and the IB Diploma Programme (DP).  Being a continuum school, we have a well-structured curriculum that sets students up for success in the next Programme and beyond.

Simon Downing

Middle Years Programme Coordinator

The Middle Years Programme at St. Dominic's

The IB Middle Years Programme at St. Dominic’s is designed for students aged 11 to 16 and is a student centered programme that encourages your child to become a creative, critical and reflective thinker.  The MYP builds on the knowledge, skills and attitudes developed by the IB Primary  Years Programme and prepares students for the demanding requirements of the IB Diploma Programme.

Creative, Critical and Reflective thinkers

The IB Middle Years Programme at St. Dominic's International School is organised around concepts,  themes, perspective and fosters the  development of skills for communication, intercultural understanding and global engagement – essential qualities for young people who are becoming global leaders.

At St. Dominic's we give students the opportunity to build confidence in managing their own learning, supporting and motivating them to go further.

Emphasis on Intellectual Challenge

The Middle Years Programme at St. Dominic's International School emphasises intellectual challenge, encouraging students to make connections between their classroom studies in the traditional eight subject groups and the real world.

Since this is a critical phase of personal and intellectual development, our broad and balanced programme offers opportunities for your child to be actively involved in the community and promotes environmental responsibility in an ever changing world. 

The Subjects

The MYP comprises eight subject groups:

Language Acquisition

Language and Literature

Individuals and Society





Physical and Health Ed


In the last two years of the MYP,  grade 9 and grade 10, students have a number of choices in the subjects they wish to study.

These choices are important not only with regards to their MYP Assessments and ePortfolios which they will take at the end of Grade 10 but may also impact their future study options in the IB Diploma Programme, as well as university.

Lifelong Programme

As an IB school, our goal is to help students become more confident and responsible. We want to help them grow in every way, not just academically but also as a person. We will give them the tools to handle life's challenges, encourage them to always seek the truth, and make sure they have what it takes to be a successful learner. 

IB Learner Profile at St. Dominic's​

At the heart of the MYP is the IB Learner Profile, a set of attributes that are continuously developed from Nursery all the way through to Grade 12. The Learner Profile is developed throughout the school, inside and outside of the classroom, including on the playground. All teachers in the school - whether it's a language lesson, a math lesson, looking at some science concepts or social studies - will be looking at the learner profile.

The Learner Profile exemplifies the HOLISTIC development of the student, and supports our MISSION of NURTURING INTERNATIONALLY-MINDED PEOPLE prepared to make a difference in the world. 

The International Baccalaureate (IB)

For more information, please visit the IBO website